14. Games people play
Games Are Serious and UbiquitousIn game-theoretic situations, organization and coordination are needed to ensure the compatibility of individual and group interests.
Fat NationThrough innocent pursuit of self-interests, Americans have grown fat with the food industry.
Tipping the ScalesTipping for service is a social custom that traps everybody into a collectively inferior position.
Aborting White FlightAn ethnically integrated neighborhood may not come about or persist if it is not reinforced by deliberate intervention.
6.3 Brides for Seven BrothersSex-selective abortions in China, South Korea, and Taiwan have resulted in excess of male over female births.
Insurance at RiskGenetic test results on fatal diseases could lead to adverse selection of membership in life and health insurance if unfavorable results are concealed from insurers.
Joint Liability as Loan CollateralThe Grameen Bank in Bangladesh uses joint liability as a screening device to overcome insufficient information on the soundness of individual loan projects and to circumvent the dangers of providing loans without collateral among the poor.